Dealing With Embarrassment
Embarrassment is a natural part of life. There are things you can do, however, to make an embarrassing situation feel a bit more manageable.
Embarrassment is a natural part of life. There are things you can do, however, to make an embarrassing situation feel a bit more manageable.
ust because you’re not a social butterfly doesn’t mean you don’t need love, affection, and companionship like everyone else. Whether you realize it or not, you have the ability to form and maintain lasting friendships—it may just take a
Not only do perfectionists put unreal expectations on themselves, but they also apply them to others. Instead of being grateful and considerate of the people around you, do you constantly find fault and express disappointment in everyone? Maybe your parents were perfectionists, and their skewed reality affected you.
Meditation does not need to be hard ‘work’. Find a good teacher in your area and meditate in a group. You’ll make some new friends, too. If doing meditation on your own, keep it to a max of 10 minutes in the beginning, then as you feel more comfortable increase the time.
Awareness is not enough for personal growth. We must also change our belief systems and behaviors.
Relationships are never perfect and always require lots of work, compromise, and a willingness to resolve conflict in a positive way. Make the commitment to re-assess some of your misconceptions about dating and relationships that can prevent you from finding lasting love.
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