Creating Positive Thinking Habits

Creating Positive Thinking Habits

When taking responsibility for your life, you can make the necessary changes by consciously creating positive thinking habits.  The ways to turn around negative thinking are only limited by your imagination.

You can use many little tricks to turn self-criticism or negative energy around.

Sometimes, though, remembering and putting such tactics into actual use can be a real challenge.

Fortunately, you’re not on your own here. Here are a few tips for cultivating positive thinking habits that can help you practice productive thinking to guide your life.

The Art of Positive Thinking: Eliminate Negative Thinking I Emotional Intelligence I Stop Overthinking: A Self Help Book to Developing Mindfulness and Overcoming Negative Thoughts
  • Brown, Elizabeth R. (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 179 Pages – 09/29/2023 (Publication Date) – Independently published (Publisher)

Last update on 2025-01-12 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Positive Thinking – Find and Say an Affirmation

Daily affirmations are a wonderful practice for cultivating Positive Thinking in your life. An affirmation is  a positive statement that you repeat.  When you continually say affirming things to yourself, you can eventually begin to believe and even act on them. It’s called positive reinforcement.

Find a few simple, concise thoughts that resonate with you. This can become incredibly empowering and can quickly turn any negative thinking around when you need a boost.

Engage in an Activity You Like

If you’re feeling stuck in a whirling pool of negative thoughts, one sure way to push them aside is to engage in something you enjoy. By physically changing your location and activity, you can shift your mindset.

It’s hard to be a negative boor when you’re having fun. So grab that book you’ve wanted to read or head to the nearest ice cream shop for a sweet pick-me-up.

Surround Yourself with Good Vibes

Hanging out with upbeat people is a sure way to chase away the blues. Your friends are usually a good source of perspective. Sure, they’re likely to tell you good things, but good friends will also tell you the truth.

After all, they know various aspects of your personality, and they wouldn’t hang out with you if there weren’t some good qualities in your personality.

Spending time with happier people is also likely to spread that positivity to you. Happiness is contagious.

Positive Thinking

Smile Smile Smile

Just smile. That’s all you have to do.

Smile sincerely. Just be careful of giving a ‘fake smile, you will come across even worse.

Our brains seem to be wired to recognize a smile – a universal symbol, as a sign of openness and happiness. If you are able to keep a smile on your face as you go through your day, your mood may soon follow its lead. It may seem silly or simple, but it works.

Help Someone Out – And Don’t Expect Anything

Instead of focusing on your own difficult situation or problem, why not consider ways you could help someone else?

Stepping out of yourself allows you to forget your troubles for a while, and doing something nice generates all kinds of feel-good chemicals in your brain.

You’ll probably also gain perspective on life and strengthen a friendship. If you’re helping a charitable group or stranger, you can also benefit by creating new networks and bonds.

The Power of Positive Thinking: A Practical Guide to Mastering the Problems of Everyday Living
  • Audible Audiobook
  • Norman Vincent Peale (Author) – uncredited (Narrator)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 10/31/2008 (Publication Date) – Simon & Schuster Audio (Publisher)

Last update on 2025-01-12 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Straighten Up!

Changing your posture is another way to trick your mind into being more positive.

Our body usually reflects that when we’re down through slumping or slouching. If you stand tall with your chin up instead, you’ll instantly feel more confident.

Stride through your day with a spring in your step and watch your foul mood disappear. It really works.

Positive Thinking – Work on Your Sense of Humor 

As with other strategies, actually removing yourself from one situation and moving to another can be quite useful.

When you’re indulging in pessimism and need to break out of the cycle, find some humor.

Even just a half hour television comedy can be the best medicine. Finding funny friends to cheer you up is always a good idea.

You’ll never know what these tips for cultivating positive thinking can become until you give them a try.

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